Kinderland Preschool and Childcare

Infant Care

Kinderland accepts infants in to care beginning at one month of age. It is our desire to provide the most nurturing, responsive care possible for our youngest clients. Our infant rooms are set up with spaces for feeding, diapering, floor play and sleeping and our caregivers are among our most experienced staff.

Throughout the day our babies have opportunities for floor play on their backs or tummy’s in which they build muscles and begin to explore their environment. In addition to floor time, our babies begin their educational journey with music, stories and simple art projects. Caregivers spend as much time as possible interacting with the babies to build relationships. Infants at Kinderland spend less than 20 minutes per day in swings, saucers and bouncers.

All this activity makes babies tired! Kinderland provides cribs with mattress and tightly fitting sheets for babies in our care. Our cribs are equipped with SIDS sensors to ensure safe sleeping. All babies at Kinderland are put to sleep on their backs only.

Diapers in our infant room are checked hourly and changed as the need arises. We feed infants on demand. For your convenience, Kinderland provides iron fortified infant formula, cereal and jarred fruits and vegetables. Nursing mothers are encouraged to visit the center at their convenience to feed their little ones, or may send pumped breast milk. All infants will be held when fed until they are old enough to do so themselves.

We understand the importance of knowing all about your baby’s day away from you. A log is kept in the classroom where staff can record important information. This includes special activities, floor time, diaper checks and changes, meals and nap times. Parents are encouraged to check this log each day when picking up their baby from care.

You can feel confident in the safety of your baby while you are away. Your eyes and ears come from constant video surveillance in the classroom. Additionally, all our exterior doors are locked for added safety.

Childcare is a partnership between parents and staff. We encourage you to speak often to the teachers to ensure consistent care between home and childcare.

Preschool Services

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